May 18, 2011
Keith and Jeremy tackle a wet basement carpet, fire rated wood doors and NM cable.
May 9, 2011
As an added bonus, you can follow the show on Twitter.!/AskNArchitect. We'll tweet when and what we're covering, when shows are up for listening, and what new and exciting things are happening in the world of AAA
May 9, 2011
Jeremy & Keith are pleased to announce the Official Stationer to the Ask An Architect podcast is friend of the podcast, Jennifer Olsen.
Check out her work at:
She has a blog at:
And her company's on facebook:
May 9, 2011
In case your wondering where we got our show's theme music, it's written and performed by friend of the Podcast, Architect 25. Check out his website and music at
The music is an exerpt from from the song, "Just Like We All Do" on his soon-to-be-released album "Erratica" All his music sounds great,...
May 7, 2011
This episode Jeremy and Keith figure out how to stop a squeeky floor, Keith explains SIPs, and Jeremy reveals the mystery of reveals.