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Ask An Architect

Do you have a question about Architecture or construction that needs answering? Jeremy (the Architect) and Keith (the contractor) Olsen are here to give you the straight dope on all your questions about the built environment. We want to talk about our favorite subject-Architecture and building-and help our listening friends along the way.

Nov 23, 2011

Here's the belated Halloween Episode you've been anxiously awaiting.  What can I say? We're busy guys and not immune to fall illnesses.  Back in the saddle and ready to kick some AAA butt, the episode was so profound we've split up the show into two.  We tackle a big question on kitchen cabinets and kitchen flooring. ...

Oct 14, 2011

Keith and Jeremy explain what tempered glass is, and knock out knock down door frames.  Plus Jeremy says he's sorry. 

Our contact info

Sep 28, 2011

You can ask us a question or leave us a comment in a number of ways:

Make a blog comment with your question or comment on this here blog site:

Follow us on Twitter and send us a twitter message or just tweet it to us: @AskNArchitect

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Sep 28, 2011

We're discussing a really tough masonry wall moisture issue, talking about Teflon tape, and alternatives to stone countertops 

Sep 2, 2011

A wood show! We make sense of a cedar shingle siding repainting dilemma, figure out what WWPA stands for, and gain some understanding on why wood moves and how to select straight lumber at the lumberyard.  Thanks Judi and Brandon for the great questions.  Keep 'em coming!